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Dichotomy Podcast with Mike Reid

May 18, 2019


Maria Ayne is an author, nutritionist and behaviour specialist. She helps food addicts, emotional eaters and compulsive eaters overcome their issues with a 90-day program called Survival of The Fittest Thoughts. Maria is also the Author of ‘The Eating Enigma’ and has a passion for helping people break free from their subconscious beliefs.

Maria and I met 4 years ago during a personal development weekend called the Breakthrough Experience with John De Martini. We instantly hit it off and found ourselves discussing the psychology around our decision making and how to live a happy life.

In this episode, we discuss the dichotomies of health, fitness, love, and relationships. Maria helps us understand why we make the decisions we make and offers her best advice on how to navigate your thinking and decision making. Enjoy!



  • The subconscious patterns that get planted into our brains as kids and how that manifests later in life.
  • Dichotomies of health and the challenges of looking good versus just being healthy and happy.
  • Dichotomies of love and relationships and how we create a fantasy of who a person is or should be versus the reality.
  • The psychology behind new relationships, and what happens when things start to change and evolve.
  • Understanding human behaviour and why we make some of the crazy decisions we make.


Dr John DeMartini - The Breakthrough Experience

The Eating Enigma Book

Maria’s Instagram


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Dent Global is launching in Toronto in 2019. Visit to learn more and grab a copy of the Revised Edition of the book, Key Person of Influence by Mike Reid & Daniel Priestley.